Last year reflection...
Well looking at last year's goals I did not do so well with my goals. Last year was a tough year and honestly all I could focus on was maintaining sanity.
This year's goals I tried to keep simple so they are easier to attain and possibly surpass. Here are my goals for the 2014-2015 school year.
{Personal} I have done much better about exercising and eating better in the past several months. I joined a challenge which caused me to lose 7 lbs. and work out daily. My goal is to begin adding a morning work at least once per week which is going to be tooooough. Totally an anti-waking-before-I-have-to type person. But I was able to accomplish this once and it felt great! Slowly but surely.
Meal prep is also key. You've heard the saying abs are made in the kitchen and I'm trying to get at least a 2 pack. HA HA. If you guys ever check the #mealprepmondays hashtag on instagram you will see how the pros do it. I'm working to get to that point.
{Organization} Last year I was more organized than ever before but this year I am taking it to another level. I'll be honest and admit I'm like a 75% organized person. There are some things I need meticulously placed and others I put by the wayside. Through inventive storage and labeling I am hoping to reach 100%.
{Planning} I think writing will be the easiest subject to stay ahead. We use Thinking Maps:Write from the Beginning at our school which is a writing program based on Thinking Maps which makes planning easy because there's steps for mini-lessons, practice etc. 2 weeks ahead on writing will give me a chance to focus on reading and math plans.
{Professional} I have the pleasure of working with some truly awesome people that are truly stuck in their ways and oppose change. lol. I am hoping that through presenting some of my strategies I can help them embrace change. Here's hoping....
{Students} After a summer of awesome conferences, [WBT & ISTE] it is my goal to use what I've learned to get my students more involved in their own learning. I can't wait to use TEACH-OKAY, technology and notebooks with my firsties.
{Motto} An oldie but goodie but absolutely what I am going by this year. I am hoping that through maintaining organization, planning ahead, and making my students more accountable I will surely be working smarter!
Thanks for reading my goals. Link up to share yours!
I am going to have to check out the #mealprepmondays! I meal prep on sundays and always looking for new ideas. I also do not like to get out of bed before I have to, but hoping to get up and run at least 4 times a week in the morning. Thank for linking up, and I hope this new school year is better than last year!
I {Heart} Recess
I love your goals! I am going to try to plan 2 weeks ahead as well! Good Luck with your goals this year!